March 1 - May 7, 2023
Hina Dolls and Modern Art—From Heizo Oki to Emile Gallé and Henri Matisse

Simose Art Museum was established in March 2023 in Otake, Hiroshima Prefecture. For the first time, the museum displays the art collection assembled by Yumiko Shimose, president of Marui Sangyo Co., around items inherited from her parents.

Hina dolls and accessories from Heizo Oki (Maruhei Oki Doll Store) in Kyoto are arranged on a large platform in the special exhibition hall. These dolls have been beloved by the Imperial Family, the Mitsui Family, and other prominent families, and are part of a collection assembled in hope for children's growth and a peaceful world. Enjoy this window onto Hina dolls and the world of traditional Japanese crafts.
Each of the eight movable galleries within the water basin introduces modern Japanese and Western art under a different theme. Visitors will encounter a wide variety of works, including glass art by Emile Gallé, Japanese paintings by Matazo Kayama, Western paintings by Henri Matisse and others, and dolls by Simon Yotsuya.

The museum was designed by world-renowned architect Shigeru Ban. Setouchi’s natural landscape and contemporary architecture blend together to create a magical sensation that makes the ordinary fade away. Enjoy a new experience of admiring art, inside art.

Basic Information

Simose Art Museum